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Apex Legends: King's Canyon: Thunderdome

This thunderdome architectural style was supposed to have a rusted metal gladiator look to it, with crudely built cages and structures, filled with traps, and dead ends. In the thunderdome section of the map, I was responsible for creating the modular building and prop set. I was responsible for modeling all the modular pieces and props for the thunderdome modular set. I also created the tiling textures and trim sheets. All the structures are made with modular pieces. I was also responsible for creating the original style for the thunderdome zones. Austin Arnett was the artist who worked on the section and did the world building.

Environment Art Team:
Robert Taube
Jose Zavala
Lewis Walden
Mike Altamirano
Kristen Altamirano
Tri Do
Austin Arnett
Tragan Monaghan
Paul Tran
Brooke Olson

Here is the shot of the thunderdome zone in the map. Austin Arnett was the artist who world built this zone. I created the style for the buildings and some of the rocks.

Here is the shot of the thunderdome zone in the map. Austin Arnett was the artist who world built this zone. I created the style for the buildings and some of the rocks.

This is the finished blockout of the modular pieces I made

This is the finished blockout of the modular pieces I made

Some barrier wall models

Some barrier wall models

Giant girder system to suspend the structures in the air

Giant girder system to suspend the structures in the air

Modular wall and floor pieces

Modular wall and floor pieces

Modular wall pieces

Modular wall pieces

The banner frame and banners used throughout the map

The banner frame and banners used throughout the map

Assorted trap and prop pieces used in the style

Assorted trap and prop pieces used in the style

Here are the three tileables I made to create the style

Here are the three tileables I made to create the style

Here is another area where the style is used in the map. World built by Tri Do

Here is another area where the style is used in the map. World built by Tri Do

Here is another area where the style is used in the map. World built by Tri Do

Here is another area where the style is used in the map. World built by Tri Do